Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Original CD software for "Three Skype Phone", AMOI WP-SP1

Original CD software for "Three Skype Phone"

which Actually is AMOI WP-SP1

Someone send me a mail regarding all the International Scholarships and awards, some look really good. I wonder how many of theses are available in Europe

1) Bell Labs Fellowships
http://www.bell- labs.com/

2) Student Inventors Scholarships
http://www.invent. org/collegiate/

3) Student Video Scholarships
http://www.christop hers.org/ vidcon2k. html

4) Coca-Cola Two-Year College Scholarships
http://www.coca- colascholars. org/programs. html

5) Holocaust Remembrance Scholarships
http://holocaust. hklaw.com/

6) Ayn Rand Essay Scholarships
http://www.aynrand. org/contests/

7) Brand Essay Competition
http://www.institut eforbrandleaders hip.org/IBLEssay Contest-2002Rule s.htm

8) Gates Millennium Scholarships
http://www.gmsp. org/nominationma terials/read.dbm?ID=12

9) Xerox Scholarships for Students
http://www2. xerox.com/ go/xrx/about_ xerox/about_ xerox_detail. jsp

10) Sports Scholarships and Internships
http://www.ncaa. org/about/ scholarships. html

11) National Assoc. of Black Journalists Scholarships (NABJ)
http://www.nabj. org/html/ studentsvcs. html

12) Saul T. Wilson Scholarships (Veterinary)
http://www.aphis. usda.gov/ mb/mrphr/ jobs/stw. html

13) Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund
http://www.thurgood marshallfund. org/sk_v6. cfm

14) Fin Aid: The Smart Students Guide to Financial Aid scholarships
http://www.finaid. org

15) Presidential Freedom Scholarships
http://www.national service.org/ scholarships/

16) Microsoft Scholarship Program
http://www.microsof t.com/college/ scholarships/ minority. asp

17) Wired Scholar Free Scholarship Search
http://www.wiredsch olar.com/ paying/scholarsh ip_search/ pay_scholarship_ se

18) Hope Scholarships & Lifetime Credits
http://www.ed. gov/inits/ hope/

19) William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship for Minority Students
http://www.apsanet. org/PS/grants/ aspen3.cfm

20) Multiple List of Minority Scholarships
http://gehon. ir.miami. edu/financial- assistance/ Scholarship/ black.html

21) Guaranteed Scholarships
http://www.guarante ed-scholarships. com/

22) BOEING scholarships
http://www.boeing. com/companyoffices/educationrela tions/scholarshi ps

23) Easley National Scholarship Program
http://www.naas. org/senior. htm

24) Maryland Artists Scholarships
http://www.maef. org/

26) Jacki Tuckfield Memorial Graduate Business Scholarship (for Afr Am students in South Florida)
http://www.jackituc kfield.org/

27) Historically Black College & University Scholarships
http://www.iesabroa d.org/info/ hbcu.htm

28) Actuarial Scholarships for Minority Students
http://www.beanactu ary.org/minority /scholarships. htm

29) International Students Scholarships & Aid Help
http://www.iefa. org/

30) College Board Scholarship Search
http://cbweb10p. collegeboard. org/fundfinder/ html/fundfind01. html

31) Burger King Scholarship Program
http://www.bkschola rs.csfa.org/

32) Siemens Westinghouse Competition
http://www.siemens- foundationorg/

33) GE and LuLac Scholarship Funds
http://www.lulac. org/Programs/ Scholar.html

34) CollegeNet's Scholarship Database
http://mach25. collegenet. com/cgi-bin/ M25/index

35) Union Sponsored Scholarships and Aid
http://www.aflcioor g/scholarships/ scholar.htm

36) Federal Scholarships & Aid Gateways 25 Scholarships Excel
http://www.blackexc el.org/25scholar ships.htm

37) Scholarship & Financial Aid Help
http://www.blackexc el.org/fin- schhtm

38) Scholarship Links (Ed Finance Group)
http://www.efg. net/link_ scholarship.

39) FAFSA On The Web
http://www.fafsa. ed.gov/

40) Aid & Resources For Re-Entry Students
http://www.back2col lege.com/

41) Scholarships and Fellowships
http://www.osc. cuny.edu/ sep/links. html

42) Scholarships for Study in Paralegal Studies
http://www.paralega ls.org/Choice/ 2000west. htm

43) HBCU Packard Sit Abroad Scholarships
http://www.sit. edu/studyabroad/ packard_nominati on.html

44) Scholarship and Fellowship Opportunities
http://ccmi. uchicago. edu/schl1. html

45) INROADS internships
http://www.inroads. org/

46) ACT-SO "Olympics of the Mind" Scholarships
http://www.naacp. org/work/ actso/act-so.shtml

47) Black Alliance for Educational Options Scholarships
http://www.baeo. org/options/ privatelyfinance d.jsp

48) ScienceNet Scholarship Listing
http://www.sciencen et.emory. edu/undergrad/ scholarships. html

49) Graduate Fellowships For Minorities Nationwide
http://cuinfo. cornell.edu/ Student/GRFN/ list.phtml? category= MINORITIES

50) Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford
http://www.rhodessc holar.org/ info.html

51) The Roothbert Scholarship Fund
http://www.roothber tfund.com

Monday, February 11, 2008

Into the Wild (very interesting movie)

I watched Into the Wild last night, a friend recommended it quiet demandingly. The movie was about Christopher McCandless (Alex, the dude changed his name to hide from everyone, parents, friedns, authorities etc.), an American wanderer who saw society as being empty and had dreams of going to Alaska and living off the land. It's definitely a very different movie from normal action or chick flick movies... interesting though. There's one point in the movie when Christopher has been wandering for a year or two and is suddenly hit with a great deal of loneliness. In his journal, he writes, "Happiness is only real when shared." That quote really struck me. The whole idea of taking photographs even, is knowing that we can look back at them, share and relive that moment with others. When I'm going plaves or taking photos of my new experiences, I take them with that mindset that I'm going to post them on my blog, or post them on Facebook or picassa web so they can be shared with friends and family. What good are a bunch of amazing photos that are hidden in the back of your closet? Anyways, I thought it was an interesting movie overall (it's probably more of a dude movie).

One thing, for some reasons while watching the movie I kept on thinking about a freind "RK" whos is just like Alex... a wandrer who is allergic to cellphones and has also changed his name... but for some other reasons... RK, dude don't get your self killed :).